ICME 7 – Catania, 2016

ICME7: Publishing dos and don’ts for Microbial Ecologists

The 7th International Course in Microbial Ecology (ICME7) was entitled “Publishing dos and don’ts for Microbial Ecologists” and took place from 24 to 27 October 2016 at the MicrobEco workshop in Catania, Italy. 

ICME7 in Catania, 2016

As in the tradition of ICME, the course had a strong practical approach. There were practical and theoretical sessions about the major key aspects of writing, editing, and publishing processes. Practical session focused on participants’s draft manuscript for self-improvment. All activities were guided by expert microbial ecologists with strong experience in the publishing industry. Special emphasis was given to the topic of research integrity and plagiarism.

Organizers and Instructors

  • Luigi Naselli Flores – University of Palermo, Italy
  • Leonard Schneider – indipendent science journalist, Germany 
  • Manuela Coci – MicrobEco, Catania, Italy
  • Stefano Amalfitano – CNR-IRSA Roma, Italy
  • Eliana Salvo – University of Catania
  • Maria Antonietta Buccheri – University of Catania
ICME7 group – (Informal photo)